What is a DNS zone?
The domain namespace in the Domain Name System (DNS) is divided into various segments, with different managers in charge. The administrative responsibility can be delegated to a person, company, or organization. This separation is good for redundancy and better distributes the administrative load.
The Internet’s domain namespace has a hierarchical design. Un is the root domain (the dot after .com), then is the domain name like domainname.com, and under it, there are subdomains like mail.domainname.com or ftp.domainname.com.
Each of these areas can be managed separately with its own Master DNS zone.
A DNS zone has inside DNS records and settings of a DNS namespace. This last one can have one or many DNS zones managed for a specific host or service. All this zone information is saved in a DNS zone file that has the DNS records.
Those records have a mapping between DNS names and their IP address, services and servers, verification purposes, and more.